A sun with a smiley face


Line drawings of metal moveable type characters A, B, and H

A race to create 24 fonts by 2024

What is this?

Type 24 is a type design project helmed by Valery Marier. Every two weeks for the next 12 months she will release a new font for you to download.

What's the catch?

There is no catch! Well not really.

Each new font will be available to download for free for a period of 5 days. But don’t worry if you miss the window, because the fonts will be still available for the low, low price of $5.99.*

Also due to the experimental nature and timeframe of the project there may be some quirks and bugs in the fonts that I missed. As a result, every font is provided as-is. But if you do encounter any type breaking bugs let me know and we can see if we can work out a solution.

*Or the price of a nice cup of coffee and a donut.

Why would you do this to yourself?

The short answer is, I was inspired by the Font of the Month Club and the 22/22 project by the Seabell Type Foundry. I’ve been planning on launching Solar Type as a microfoundry to host my typographic experiments for a while now; I just wasn’t quite sure how.

I eventually decided that giving myself a challenge was a great way to launch. One that would help me hone my type design skills and give me an outlet to play around experiment without the added stress of creating a perfectly kerned masterpiece with a large character set.

I’m also just a big glutton for punishment.

The nitty gritty details

These fonts are being released under a nice and generous license. If you want to use the font for a project, chances are you can! Personal and commercial use is a-ok with only a few caviats which likely don’t apply to you.

Read the full license agreement here.

All downloads will include .OTF and .WOFF2 so you’ll be all set for print and digital usage. Some fonts may also have variable font files included!

Each font will have a basic latin character set which will include (but isn’t necessarily limited to):






. , : ; * - – — \ ( ¿ ¡ & ! ? ) /

Special thanks

To my wonderful partner for supporting my crazy projects. To Kevin King for being a wonderful teacher and for introducing me to the wild world of type design. And to the online type design community as a whole for being a great source of inspiration and knowledge.


This site is hosted on Neocities and coded the good old fasioned way. The text is set in a custom fork of Sporting Grotesque by Velvetyne. All fonts are created in Glyphs 3.

Want to support the project? The easiest way to support the project is to use the fonts* and spread the word! Also consider sending me a tip here to support my rising coffee expenses.

*If you use any of the fonts in a project let us know! We love to see our fonts in use!